My UX Journey from Discovery to Delight
a little bit about
my Projects
I've worked on diverse projects aligning with various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including women empowerment, finances, employment opportunities, sustainable products and methods and data security.
Digital Experiences
SAP - Graduation Project
UI/UX | Research | Data Visualization | Interaction Design
Even — Financial Independence for Women
UI/UX | Research | Service Design
Madras Plaid: "The Lungi Cloth"
Digital Experience | Information Design | Research
Beyond the Bin - Responsible Consumption and Disposal
UI/UX | User Research | Artificial Intelligence
Wurkwell - Employee Health & Well-being
UI/UX | Gamification | Artificial Intelligence
Data Narratives
Navigating Troubled Waters
Interactive Data Narrative | UX | Cartographic Visualization
On Spotlight: The Troublemaker Trawler
Interactive Data Narative | User Experience | Data Visualization
Withering Away - Coexistence
System Design | Research | Data Visualization
Oops! The Data Got Breached
Data Analysis | Data Visualization

Projects Built with Code

Explorative Work
On Spotlight: Troublemaker Trawler
Interactive Experience | Research |Tangible Data Visualization
How Cold Air Is Heating The World
Data Visualization | Research |Visual Design
Scan to know more - Data Selfie
Interactive Data Visualization | Graphic and Information Design
Oswald typeface
Web Design | User Experience